Four Factors to Consider When Designing Houses for Security.
For every problem, there exists a pattern that is a solution.
For example, This door is a big solution for folks who have been wondering is it possible to have a fully glazed front door? Notice the following items captured by the design solution:

1. Side hung grill door
2. Sliding middle door
3. Fixed side panels with one way glass. When closed, it is all glass… Problem solved!
2. Design for security requires active and passive measures. The 4 D’s
👉🏿Deter e.g. By use of Metal Grills, Lighting at Night, Perimeter Walls, Metal Spikes, Razor Wire above walls, and Electric Fencing.
👉🏿Detect e.g. By use of surveillance technologies like CCTV, Proximity Sensors and old school Manned Viewing Towers
👉🏿Delay e.g. barriers and drums near embassies and security installations
👉🏿Detain, that is, behind capable of capturing any intruders. This is the ultimate security measure but its success will depend on all the previous measures.