Monthly Archive: March 2017

5 Facts about urbanization in Africa

5 Facts about Urbanization in Africa and arising Threats and Opportunities.

Rapid Urbanization:

More than half of Africa’s population will live in its cities by 2040. This translates into a population growth of more than 40,000 new urban inhabitants per day between now and 2040.

With an exception of Seychelles, 71% of urban population in sub-saharan Africa live in slums. In his 2014 World Habitat Day Speech, Seychelles Land Use and Housing minister Christian Lionnet said,

““In Seychelles, since the early years after independence, the government has adopted a pragmatic and consistent approach to housing development based on strong socialist principles. Special vigour has been put on long term programmes for appropriate solution in tackling our housing shortages.  The government has remained focus on its aim to reach a position where the laws of supply and demand come into play fairly.  Today, over thirty years down the line, Seychelles’ ultimate aim for housing is not only to facilitate access, but for every Seychellois to own his or her house.Figures from the last Population and Housing Census (2010) reveal that in 2010, 71% of families in Seychelles own the houses they are living in. This make Seychelles ranked among the top countries in the world on par with the developed nations.”


71% of the population in Seychelles own their homes. Over 450 million new urban dwellers are expected between 2010 and 2040, with half of Africa’s population living in urban areas by 2040. This presents various Threats and Opportunities depending on the level of preparedness of Cities.


In Nairobi, between 1971 and 1995, the percentage of the urban population living in slums almost doubled to 60%


Cities are Engines of Economic Growth and in that sense, must prepare to take centre stage of Rapid Urbanization. There are three main enablers to enable Cities generate economies of scale advantages. Urbanization alone is not sufficient to regenerate the Cities of Tomorrow. They also require:


1. Public investment in infrastructure. There is need to reform policy and legal framework for better integration of city planning and management.
2. Enterprise investment in productive capital. Enable businesses to create quality jobs for people moving into urban areas. This will enhance the ‘Working Environment.”
3. Household/private investment in housing. Strengthen institutions and systems that make cities competitive and sustainable. This will enhance the ‘Living Environment.”


If people have opportunities for income, work productivity, opportunity for recreation and socialization with quality housing and access to both the Work Environment and Living Environment, Urbanization is a welcome.


This is an opportunity for entrepreneurs and the Government. Apart from attracting productive capital, cities attract and galvanize entrepreneurs. Studies show that 80% of global economic activity is generated in cities; activities that benefit from density and proximity—of goods, people and ideas.


 Infrastructure Investment Lesson from China:

According to the World Bank, In 1980, the urbanization rate in East Asia was similar to that of South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Between 1980 and 2010, the rate of urbanization doubled in East Asia to 50 percent, and the urban poverty rate decreased from 24.4 percent to 4.3 percent.5 By contrast, in Sub-Saharan Africa, where the urbanization rate increased from 23 percent in 1970 to 37 percent in 2011, urban poverty decreased only marginally from 41.5 percent to 33.6 percent.


If Rapid urbanization is well managed, it can curb urban sprawl, deteriorating access to services, greater inequality, and increased crime.


Boost Capital Investment:

China boosted its capital investment (including infrastructure, housing, and office buildings) from 35 percent of GDP in 1980 to 48 percent in 2011, while seeing a dramatic increase in urban population from 18 percent in 1978 to 52 percent in 2012. In contrast, capital investment in Africa has remained around 20 percent of GDP for over 40 years. China’s transformation was led by its cities, aggressively boosting investment and job creation by attracting low-skilled manufacturing industries that benefited from economies of scale and access to markets.


Informal or unplanned and under-serviced settlements are a common feature of many cities.In many cities, increasingly high levels of congestion, pollution, illness, disease, crime and insecurity add a huge burden to the economy through lost time and opportunity.


Inadequate Infrastructure is a Threat:

  1. Inadequate sanitation infrastructure in Africa’s urban areas is costing the economy around US$5.5 billion every year amounting to between 1% and 2.5% of GDP.
  2. 70 percent of Africa’s urban population lives in informal settlements and 60 percent of total urban employment is in the informal economy
  3. Countries with more than 60% of their population living in urban areas are expected to achieve 50% more MDGs on average than those with urbanization rates of 40 percent or less.
  4.  In the next 20 years, cities in the developing world will triple their built-up area (from 200,000 to 600,000 square kilometers) and double their population (from 2 to 4 billion). What will happen in Africa if we continue to under-invest in Infrastructure?

Sources: Jamal Saghir, World Bank. World Bank:“China Urbanization Study, 2013”. Economic Impacts of Poor Sanitation in Africa, Water and Sanitation Project, 2012


Revealed: 7 Ways a Quantity Surveyor Can Help Your Building Project as a Cost Editor!

To attain knowledge add things every day. To attain wisdom subtract things every day. – Lao Tzu

Why a Cost Editor?
“Editing- which involves the strict elimination of the trivial, unimportant, or irrelevant – is an Essentialist craft.”
Everyone who reads a newspaper that has a lousy editor knows the feeling of being wasted.

But seldom do we reflect on the role of a good editor. A good editor leaves everyone focussed on the main issues of the story without being bogged down in unnecessary details.

When it comes to construction works, a Quantity Surveyor plays the vital role of a Cost Editor because he has carefully trained his/her eye and mind to see details. Here are 7 ways this can happen, leading to savings both in time, cost and bringing out the Lead Story in your Project.

According to Miliken, The Bills of Quantity is a fundamental instrument which has existed and developed over 300 years. It is to the discerning investor, what a pen is to a Copy editor.In my experience as a Quantity Surveyor, Bills of Quantities are entirely justified where the anticipated savings outweigh the fee charged to produce them. The role of the Quantity Surveyor as a Cost Editor in both big and small construction projects is emerging as an exceptional and an indispensable skill. Here are 7 Ways Why!

1.0 Elimination
A book editor or a film editor makes it easier for the reader to keep an eye on what is important. They do this by eliminating everything but the elements that need to be there.

A Quantity Surveyor as a Cost Editor can help your project by reviewing both the design and rationale for inclusion of certain elements. For example, in a recent building project, we proposed removal of 7 Square metres of corridors and saved the client 245,000 Shillings. The house worked just fine without the overdesign of circulation space. This was not apparent to the Architect of the Project.

2.0 Providing a Measurement Tool
A bill of quantity is a measurement tool. It captures the Lead Story of the project. It has brief description of every part of the proposed project. A recent Study revealed that where contractors are given a chance to estimate the cost of a project without a Bill of quantities, they increase costs by a factor of 10% to take care of Quantities Risk. In that sense, the very act of having a Bills of Quantity in your project can save you up to 10% of the cost of construction.

3.0 Substitution
A Quantity Surveyor prepares a Bill of Quantity for infrastructure projects (Building or Civil). A bill of quantities is a document used in tendering process which includes the materials, parts, and labor with respect to their costs. During this process of preparing the Bill of Quantities, a QS can propose substitution of the materials, methodology for construction and more affordable alternatives thereby leading to significant cost savings.

4.0 Prioritizing or Phasing.

When an author has a very long story and the publication does not have enough space, the editor decides which parts of the story to cut and publish later. In building construction, we call it Phasing a project. To achieve this, a Quantity Surveyor asks questions, listens to all the consultants (Architect, Engineer, Client Contractor et cetera), and connects the dots in order to distinguish the essential few from the trivial many. As a Cost editor, he can propose budgetary allocations that match the current financial constraints of the project. He can also help the Client to prepare cash-flow projections and phasing of the project!

5.0 Making Trade-Offs

A book writer may have many characters they want to fit in a story. They could also have many plots, twists and turns. Without a Copy editor, the whole storyline can get lost in the confusion of trying to include everything. A great editor asks, “Will this character or plot twist or detail make it better?”

The true value of a Quantity Surveyor is in helping the Client and the project Team re-discover what really matters in the project within the time, cost and quality expectations. In this case, they can suggest meaningful trade-offs, substitutability of building materials and best practice from past projects.

6.0 Time Estimation using The Labour Constant.
The Contractor’s prices for the various work items in the Bill of Quantities reflects the amount of time the estimator has allowed to complete each unit of work. This is refereed to as a Labour Constant for the particular item. It is easy for the Estimator Quantity Surveyor to help the project team calculate how long it will take to complete both individual work items and the entire project. This can help the project team to design a planning framework and formulate programmes for constructing the building.

7.0 Identifying Gaps.
A book editor or a film editor fixes gaps which break the main story line.
One of the major benefits of employing a Quantity Surveyor to measure is that, during the process of preparing Bills of Quantity, a QS will often spot gaps in the design information and will query the design team as to what is missing , will press then to finalise the outstanding information or suggest fixes.

Lastly, In the words of French writer and Poet, Antione de Saint-Exupery, “Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

1. McKeown, Greg. Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less Ebury Publishing.
2. Cunningham, T. (2016) The function and Format of Bills of Quantities: an Irish Context. Report prepared for Dublin Institute of Technology, 2016.

10 Tips to detect an online real estate scam. Use this as a #scamdetector


Early this morning, i felt the need to draft a series of 12 tips that an ordinary man can use as a detector to avoid the prevalent real estate scams mushrooming online.
I spared some time to turn it into an infographic. I am inspired by the thought attributed by Edmund Burke, that “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

I hope all the good people out there, both in the built environment and outside will use this as a detector of sorts. There may be more pointers but let us continue the conversation online and offline. Let us all strive to build a better society.

By the way, don’t underestimate the power of prevention. Last week, we heard a report that a scandal by Simple Homes has one under after 16,000 or more Kenyans had invested millions of shillings. Simple Homes Housing Co-operative shatters dreams of new homeowners (The Standard)


This is becoming an epidemic that needs a concerted effort to contain.

The vice is slowly creeping into Kigali after leaving Nairobi weeping.



Here is our little contribution to sanity.

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